Women in Business: What’s Your Greatest Money Challenge?

Women in Business: What’s Your Greatest Money Challenge?

What do women in business consider their biggest money challenge?  As a Certified Money Coach, I conducted a survey last week to get feedback on that money question and others. In response to:  “What’s your greatest challenge with money”

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Fifty Shades of Green – Attn: Women in Business

Fifty Shades of Green – Attn: Women in Business

If you’re a woman you’ve probably read “Fifty Shades of Grey” and have been talking about it with your friends. But I bet you haven’t talked about Fifty Shades of Green – a more important (but less lustful) topic to your bottom line than the characters of Christian Grey or Anastasia Steele could ever be. 

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Women in Business: Try Wineing Away the Tax Blah’s!

Women in Business: Try Wineing Away the Tax Blah’s!

Tax Day is April 15th. If you’re a woman in business you may be feeling a little worried or even whiny about the whole process.  You might be wondering how much you’re going to be paying or what you owe, and then how you’ll pay what you owe. (See how our mind can wind around itself with worry?)

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The Money Gorilla: What What Does a Gorilla Have to Do with Making Money for Women in Business?

The Money Gorilla: What What Does a Gorilla Have to Do with Making Money for Women in Business?

What does a Gorilla have to do with making money for women in business? There’s an experiment that shows a videotape* of six college students on a basketball court. Three are wearing white shirts, three dark shirts. The instructor asks them to randomly pass a ball amongst themselves and asks the audience to count only the number of passes between the white-shirted students in one minute. About halfway through the process a woman in a gorilla suit slowly walks through the students, who ignore her. The gorilla turns and faces the camera and pounds her chest. Then she leaves the circle.

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You Don't Have to Be Rich - 4 Steps to Enjoy The Money You Have More

You Don't Have to Be Rich - 4 Steps to Enjoy The Money You Have More

Remember when money was fun? When you were a little kid and it felt exciting to get your first pennies or quarters? With a few dollars in your pocket, you might have even felt rich. Perhaps you had a sense of freedom. Isn't that what we want as adults from our money - a sense of freedom and to be able to enjoy the money we have rather than feel anxious or worried?

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Business Success Isn’t Magic – It Takes Planning!!

Business Success Isn’t Magic – It Takes Planning!!

Business success isn't magic - it takes planning! We, women in business, work hard IN our businesses, but often don’t spend enough time working ON our business doing the planning, goal setting and strategiziing necessary to achieve our dreams.  

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Business Success as a Woman: 4 Power Tips

Women & Power = Money (& so much more.) When I use the word power with my women coaching clients, they can act uncomfortable. Why? Because they've seen power used as a method of control or as a power over manuever. The Boss is in control - I have to do what he or she says.  

However, the definition of Power is simple:  To Act.  A recent article in the New York Times: "You Have Power: Don't Be Afraid to Use It," interviewed successful women. 

Here are 4 nuggets they shared about power, how to support yourself and each other and to achieve success:

1) Women can and should help one another and stop under valuing "...the role that we can play in the success of other people and the organization." Amy Schulman, Exective vice president and general counsel, Pfizr

2) Be vocal in group settings and don't make statements that sound like questions. (Women are still trying to prove they belong - men know they do). Amy Schulman

3) Trust your inner soul, use your voice. Cooperation is a great female strength and in groups of men, "...you must speak up and believe in yourself."  Doreen Lorenzo, President, Quirky, a product development company

4) Don't be afraid of being "nice."  Marjorie Kaplan, of Animal Planet, says she manages based on expectations rather than fear. And, if men aren't being respectful at a meeting, for example by not introducing themselves, speak up. Doreen Lorenzo says if you're not being treated respectually end the meeting: "We're going to end this conversation until you listen to me. Don't be afraid to use your power."

(*New York Times "You Have Power. Don't Be Afraid to use It." Oct 13, 2013)

The message from these powerful corporate and entrepreneurial women is quite clear. The corporate culture stlll tends to be traditional, however women are making a difference and need to support each other. All these women are successful, have learned through the school of hard knocks. Be successful, believe in yourself and get help when you need it.

"People Love to Give Me Money" - Obamacare Makes Insurers Pay Refunds

"People love to give me money," is an affirmation I picked up from Chellie Campbell author of The Wealthy Spirit, that I LOVE saying whenever I get unexpected money. I just received a check for $120.00 as a refund through Obamacare.

How? Here's the scoop:  Thank Obama for helping insurance companies be more accountable to us and the dollars they spend. The Affordable Care Act requires Blue Shield (& I imagine every other insurer) to spend at least 80% of the premiums it receives on health care services, not adminiatration or advertising. Since Blue Cross didn't, it refunded 2% of our premium which for me amounted to $120.00. Not a lot, but it went right in the bank for the vacation we just took to San Diego. Yes to vacations!!

"This 80/20 Rule of the Affordable Care Act is intended to ensure that consumers get value for their health care dollars. You can go to: http://www.healthcare.gov/law/features/costs/value-for-premium/index.html  for more info.

I help women in business make more money - keep more of their money - and have fun in the process! Register for FREE Webinar Women's Inner Money Game & How to Win It 


Suffer from Moneychondria - The Fear of Having Money?

Women in business, do you suffer from Moneychondria, the fear of having money?

I know it sounds funny, but maybe you’re more afraid of money than you realize...

Are any of these Financially Stressful things true for you?

* You spend more than you make.

* You “debt,” or consistently run up credit card debt.

*  You under-earn or…

*  You overspend or shop when stressed or anxious

*  You give your money away to children and other “needy” folks and don’t keep enough for yourself – for a safety cushion or retirement.

It’s safe to say many of us have conflicts about money.

Why? We want the American Dream and yet reaching it can prove to be illusive.  After all – how much money is enough? And, how much is too much? 

Get curious instead of furious with your money challenges. Take action to identify money challenges and DO something proactive by creating a PLAN and Specific Steps to move forward.

I help women make more money – by breaking through money barriers to create Prosperity & have FUN in the process. Next FREE Financial Freedom Introductory Webinar for Women in Business Aug 20th /womens-inner-money-game-free/

Next FREE 3 Steps to Financial Freedom Webinar Aug 20 /womens-inner-money-game-free/

Have Fun: Identify Your Money Type & Break Through Money Barriers

Looking at my money could be fun? Ugh is what most of us think. Money is one of those subjects we try to avoid. After all it's uncomfortable to think about how much we owe, or how little our next pay check will be. But avoidance doesn't solve our money challenges and believe me, both personally and as a Certified Money Coach, we ALL have money challenges. This is why it makes good sense to have expert help for women in business.

It doesn't have to be scary learning about our relationship with money. It can be FUN to look at our strengths and challenges by getting to know our Money Types.

For example:  Are you the type who is happy-go-lucky most of the time, but avoidant when it comes to money? You may be an Innocent. Or, are you financially successful, goal driven but a bit of a rescuer? Ah...The focused Warrior is a great worker to have on your side. Or, perhaps you know someone who is self-sacrificing, long-suffering and may give money but with strings attached? I relate to part of this archetype which is the Martyr who also tends to overwork. The clue for me that I'm slipping into my Martyr is feeling resentful. Then I know to pay attention and take a break

By taking the quick and easy Money Type Quiz you'll discover which of the 8 money or archetypes are showing up in your relationship with money. Oh, you didn't know you have a relationship with money? Well, we do and money affects everything in our lives. David Krueger, author of The Secret Language of Money says, "Money is more than just money. It's about everything. Everything we eat, drink, fear and buy; everything."

What we don't know that we don't know about money we can get us into trouble - think credit card debt, foreclosures, short-sales. Knowledge about how we think, feel and behave with money helps to keep us safe, plan for our future, have fun and create financial freedom as we feel more in control of our money.  

Take the Complimentary Money Quiz and receive a FREE 15 minute phone or Skype Consult with Lynn personally to go over the results. I guarantee you'll learn something important about you and your money!!

(*Money Types by Deborah Price - The Money Coaching Institute and used with permission)

Women in Business & Retiree's: Become A “Boomerpreneur”

Women in Business - are you bored with your current job or career? Have you been downsized or let go? Are you trying to figure out your next step and aren't sure how to capitalize on your skills, talents and abilities?

Or are you in or near retirement and looking to increase retirement income or start a new chapter as a “boomerpreneur." “Americans 55-64 have launched more businesses than any other age group during the past decade, closely followed by those 45 to 54, reports the Kauffman Foundation.”*

The great thing about starting your own business is that you won’t get fired or downsized. But you must have the focus, discipline and persistence to make it through the first couple of vulnerable years. (More than 50% of businesses don’t and usually because of poor planning or under capitalization.)

Here are key questions to ask yourself and elements to keep in mind when starting your own business:

* Are you a risk taker?

* Do you enjoy uncertainty?

* Are you competitive?

* Really important: Have you maintained your drive as you age?

Other questions to answer:  How will you fund your business – get a loan, borrow money from your home, obtain a partner?   

Women forty and above have the wisdom and life experience to be able to hone in on your passions, skills and talents. In most economic down cycles lots of new businesses emerge. There's lots of help available from business associations, the Chamber of Commerce and local colleges.  It's a great time to stretch into a new venture as a "Boomerpreneur."  Just make sure you ground your dreams with a business plan and action steps and strategies and realistic expectations.  (* Money Magazine, “How to be a Boomerpreneur”– May 2012)

Women in Business: Are you a Financial Innocent? April is Financial Literacy Month


April is Financial Literacy month – time to pull your head out of the sand and plunge into learning about your relationship with Money. Not just the numbers – how much you make or what you spend - butwhat goes on with your thinking and your feelings about money.

Inside you is the answer to why you keep repeating the same old money mistakes over and over again. Here are some money mistakes women make: Overspending, Not paying your bills on time even though you have the money, Financially enabling others and not taking care of yourself, or a big one for women in business; Not charging enough!!

You may be like I used to be: I hated thinking about money. But, I had an awakening when I went through the training to become a Certified Money Coach.*  I found out exactly why I had the challenges with money I’d had since young adulthood. Yes, it did have to do with the way my parents handled their money. Not their fault, their parents had influenced them as well, and I was still responsible for the choices I made. But once I connected the dots and became conscious, I was able to make better financial decisions and to create less stress and more financial peace. That’s huge!! .  (*Certified through Deborah Price & The Money Coaching Institute)  Next time: Find out What The Money Types Mean and how each type shows up in your Money Life.