"People Love to Give Me Money" - Obamacare Makes Insurers Pay Refunds

"People love to give me money," is an affirmation I picked up from Chellie Campbell author of The Wealthy Spirit, that I LOVE saying whenever I get unexpected money. I just received a check for $120.00 as a refund through Obamacare.

How? Here's the scoop:  Thank Obama for helping insurance companies be more accountable to us and the dollars they spend. The Affordable Care Act requires Blue Shield (& I imagine every other insurer) to spend at least 80% of the premiums it receives on health care services, not adminiatration or advertising. Since Blue Cross didn't, it refunded 2% of our premium which for me amounted to $120.00. Not a lot, but it went right in the bank for the vacation we just took to San Diego. Yes to vacations!!

"This 80/20 Rule of the Affordable Care Act is intended to ensure that consumers get value for their health care dollars. You can go to: http://www.healthcare.gov/law/features/costs/value-for-premium/index.html  for more info.

I help women in business make more money - keep more of their money - and have fun in the process! Register for FREE Webinar Women's Inner Money Game & How to Win It 


Women in Business: Are you a Financial Innocent? April is Financial Literacy Month


April is Financial Literacy month – time to pull your head out of the sand and plunge into learning about your relationship with Money. Not just the numbers – how much you make or what you spend - butwhat goes on with your thinking and your feelings about money.

Inside you is the answer to why you keep repeating the same old money mistakes over and over again. Here are some money mistakes women make: Overspending, Not paying your bills on time even though you have the money, Financially enabling others and not taking care of yourself, or a big one for women in business; Not charging enough!!

You may be like I used to be: I hated thinking about money. But, I had an awakening when I went through the training to become a Certified Money Coach.*  I found out exactly why I had the challenges with money I’d had since young adulthood. Yes, it did have to do with the way my parents handled their money. Not their fault, their parents had influenced them as well, and I was still responsible for the choices I made. But once I connected the dots and became conscious, I was able to make better financial decisions and to create less stress and more financial peace. That’s huge!! .  (*Certified through Deborah Price & The Money Coaching Institute)  Next time: Find out What The Money Types Mean and how each type shows up in your Money Life.

Won't More Money Will Solve All My Problems?

"If I just had more money, my problems would be solved." According to Brad Klontz." (author of academic study, "Money Beliefs and Financial Behaviors: Development of the Klontz Money Script Inventory," published in The Journal of Financial Therapy) most Americans fall into this money belief pattern. Our self-worth and our net-worth are very intertwined in American culture and our money beliefs are for the most part unexplored and below the surface of awareness. Have you ever overreacted to a financial situation like your spouse asking you something about the household finances and wondered, "What just happened?" I know I have. That reaction is tied to your unexplored money beliefs, habits, attitudes and patterns.
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